I've always been interested in the perspective of other people. How they interpret things, why they interpret them the way they do? I've been fascinated with the idea that we, as individuals see and experience the world in a unique way from one another, especially with how we experience art. So when it comes to creating art I try to show multiple perspectives of a specific subject. Whether it be opinions, interpretations or aspects of a certain subject. My pieces are multilayered, each layer telling a different part of a story, opinion or idea. By removing and adding slides one can experience different concepts within a single piece. I think it's a unique way to immerse oneself in a work of art; it's a way to get a slight glimpse of a different interpretation or thought that one might not conceive of on their own.
PAST: exhibitions include: ‘Make Room’ Group show curated by Brian Maloney, Cusp NYC (2017), Chashama time square NYC (2018), ‘Kosher Candy’s’ a solo show, Chashama NYC (2018), 'IN.SPIRE: Leigh Bowery’ Leslie-Loman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art NYC (2018), Port Authority NYC (2018), ‘The Rock Show’ Blue Line Arts CA (2019), Hasten event Soho NYC (2019), Written in Salann Magazine (2019).